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site.time: 2017-05-10 17:41:43 +0200
site.documents: <!DOCTYPE html> Welcome to Jekyll! Welcome to Jekyll! | My Jekyll Test Site

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def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

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<!DOCTYPE html> Hello World! Hello World! | My Jekyll Test Site

Hello World!

Hello World!

This is just a test posting.

<!DOCTYPE html> My Jekyll Site My Jekyll Site | My Jekyll Test Site

My Jekyll Site

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<!DOCTYPE html> Welcome to Jekyll! #2 Welcome to Jekyll! #2 | My Jekyll Test Site

Welcome to Jekyll! #2

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To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.

Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:

def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll’s dedicated Help repository.

<!DOCTYPE html> Collections Collections | My Jekyll Test Site


Josquin: Missa De beata virgine and Missa Ave maris stella

Performed by The Tallis Scholars, directed by Peter Phillips

<h3>Missa De beata virgine</h3>
<p>Composed by Josquin des Prez</p>

  <li>Kyrie (4:25)</li>

  <li>Gloria (9:53)</li>

  <li>Credo (9:09)</li>

  <li>Sanctus & Benedictus (7:47)</li>

  <li>Agnus Dei I, II & III (6:49)</li>


The Greatest Title

Performed by John Artist, directed by Joe Director

<h3>A test work</h3>
<p>Composed by Nobody knows</p>

  <li>Song 1 (4:25)</li>

  <li>Song 2 (9:53)</li>

  <li>Song three (9:09)</li>

  <li>Song four (7:47)</li>

  <li>The last song (6:49)</li>

<!DOCTYPE html> Collections #2 Collections #2 | My Jekyll Test Site

Collections #2

Josquin: Missa De beata virgine and Missa Ave maris stella

Performed by The Tallis Scholars, directed by Peter Phillips

Missa De beata virgine

Composed by Josquin des Prez

  • Kyrie (4:25)
  • Gloria (9:53)
  • Credo (9:09)
  • Sanctus & Benedictus (7:47)
  • Agnus Dei I, II & III (6:49)

The Greatest Title

Performed by John Artist, directed by Joe Director

A test work

Composed by Nobody knows

  • Song 1 (4:25)
  • Song 2 (9:53)
  • Song three (9:09)
  • Song four (7:47)
  • The last song (6:49) {"name"=>"Tom Preston-Werner", "github"=>"mojombo"}{"name"=>"Parker Moore", "github"=>"parkr"}{"name"=>"Liu Fengyun", "github"=>"liufengyun"}{"name"=>"Remco van Zuijlen", "github"=>"remcovz"} {"doeorg"=>{"username"=>"doeorg", "name"=>"Doe Org", "members"=>[{"name"=>"John Doe", "github"=>"jdoe"}, {"name"=>"Remco van Zuijlen", "github"=>"remcovz"}]}, "jekyll"=>{"username"=>"jekyll", "name"=>"Jekyll", "members"=>[{"name"=>"Tom Preston-Werner", "github"=>"mojombo"}, {"name"=>"Parker Moore", "github"=>"parkr"}]}}
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